Hi Rainbow Community, Is Rainbow limits only 50 active guest accounts at a time? Any limitation changes based on enterprise plans ? Requirement: - Let's assume a Telecom company provides a chat...
Hi Rainbow Team, I created a bot application and I want to show the bot application to users who logged in rainbow application by default like "Emily". Best regards, Vamsi K.
Hi Support Team, Following Invitations document link not working , Content I'm looking in Node Js applications, 1. How to receive contact invitations 2. How to accept or decline invitations 3. Even...
Dear Community Team, I'm using node SDK version 1.60.0 for chat bot application, and the bot was hosted on AWS server. BOT going to offline in a regular intervals and getting the following error, k...
Hi Team, Is there any way to get existing logged in user session. I didn't found a methods in documentation to get existing user session, due to this I'm authentication service every time. Best r...
Hi Team, I'm trying to create a bubble in chat bot application, but it was failed every time and throwing the below error. 11/27/2019 8:43:10 PM [1574887390487] - info: IB - HTTP - (post) HTTP stat...
Hi Rainbow, I'm running a Bot server with live("openrainbow.com") connection on some X server, The following issue is frequently occurring. msg: [32m'ErrorManager while requesting'[31m,[39m[31m ...
Hi Team, Is there any sample android application that receives notification and web rtc calls in background, I have implemented the application and it is able to receive push notifications and cal...
Hi Rainbow Team, Could you please share the list of countries that supports PBX configurations. Thanks in advance, Vamsi K