Hi,I am not getting call when app is not running state.i configured production certificate and voip. will i have to implement pushkit??check this.https://support.openrainbow.com/hc/en-us/community/...
Hi Sibin, Did you used Sending DTFM code?https://hub.openrainbow.com/#/documentation/doc/sdk/ios/guides/Managing_voice_video_calls - SENDING A DTFM CODE
Hi,I am calling this method from didFinishlaunching. func configRainbow() { DispatchQueue.main.async { ServicesManager.sharedInstance()?.setAppID(kID, secretKey:kSecretKey) ...
Hi Apurva,Thanks for your response.I tried above the code. i am getting same crash. check below link for my issue detail.https://support.openrainbow.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360007050299-Notifi...
Hi Apurva,i am facing same issue. can you share that solution?Thanks,
Thank you Oliver.