Ludovic LE BRECH

  • Activité totale 27
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  • Abonné à 0 utilisateur
  • Abonnés 0 utilisateur
  • Votes 3
  • Abonnements 11

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Dernière activité effectuée par Ludovic LE BRECH
  • Ludovic LE BRECH a ajouté un commentaire,

    No one, after 4 years ? :(

  • Ludovic LE BRECH a ajouté un commentaire,

    Hello ! Yes, indeed. I just found this settings lately. Then this feedback shouldn't be taken into account ^^'

  • Ludovic LE BRECH a créé une publication,

    F6 shortcut

    Hey ! Since I have this new Rainbow, the F6 shortcut gets in the way of my Visual Studio installation. I regurarily use the F6 shortcut to compile my programs, and when Rainbow is launched, it supe...

  • Ludovic LE BRECH a ajouté un commentaire,

    We absolutely need this too, as we heavily use call transfer ! :)

  • Ludovic LE BRECH a créé une publication,

    Pinned message

    Hello :) It could be nice to have the ability to pin messages. Those messages would be accessible from a button in the header, near the "Show/Hide informations of the bubble"

  • Ludovic LE BRECH a créé une publication,

    Display name format in Desktop notification

    Hello ! The app allows us to display contact as "First Name, Last Name" or "Last name, First Name". But the notification doesn't use this setting when someone got pinged, it always use the latter

  • Ludovic LE BRECH a créé une publication,

    Have Markdown in the chat

    Hello :) It would be nice to have Markdown in the chats available, to put some highlight inside a text, or as a developper, to have syntax coloration when we paste code into the chat :)

  • Ludovic LE BRECH a créé une publication,

    Notification sound settings

    Hello :) On my current configuration, I have an USB headset connected to my computer. But my motherboard's soundcard have two ouputs : "Speakers" and "Digital Output". I must change the setting bac...

  • Ludovic LE BRECH a créé une publication,

    Add quick-command access

    Hello ! It would be nice to have some "slash commands" available, as there is in Mattermost or Discord. For example : "/away" => set your status to away "/busy" => set your status to budy "/shrug [...

  • Ludovic LE BRECH a créé une publication,

    Notifications sent on all devices

    Hello :) Currently, when we get a notification, all connected devices gets it, even when we're currently using another one (for instance : I'm on my computer, and each message received creates a no...