This article describes how to:
Access the Analytics window as hunt group administrator: Accessing the Analytics windows as hunt group administrator
- Analyze hunt group activity through different graphs: Overview of Analytics window
- Export the hunt group activity of the last 28 days in a file (CSV format): Exporting hunt group activity to a CSV file
Accessing the Analytics windows as hunt group administrator
The following procedure applies for company members logged in to their Rainbow application, and granted with the right to manage their hunt group:
- From the Rainbow interface, in the GROUP CALLS panel, click on
- Click on the target hunt group and select the Analytics tab.
The Analytics window consists of:
- A quick view of hunt group activity for a given period. Metrics are:
- The total number of Incoming calls
- The percentage of Answered calls
- For each metric, detailed information and graphs for the last 28 days are available for deeper analysis: Description of Analytics window
Description of Analytics window
Incoming calls graphs
From the Analytics window, click on Incoming Calls tab:
The activity of the last 28 days is displayed in the following graphs:
- The first graph displays the number of incoming calls received per day. The associated text block displays on which day the peak of traffic occurred, with the number of incoming calls.
- The second graph displays the number of incoming calls received per 1-hour time slot of the day. The associated text block displays on which 1-hour time slot the peak of traffic occurred, with the number of incoming calls.
Behavior is:-
The top row is yesterday’s values while the first column corresponds to the 00:00 to 01:00 timeslot.
The darker the color of a square is, the more incoming calls were received during that timeslot. Move over a square to get the precise value.
You can use the handles in the legend below the graph to filter out the timeslots according to the corresponding number of incoming calls. For example, you can hide all timeslots with less than 10 calls by moving the left handle to 10.
Finally, the busiest timeslots are marked with an ‘x’ to make them easier to spot for you.
- The third graph displays the average number of incoming calls received per weekday. The individual values of the number of incoming calls are also marked with 28 colored dots. Dots of the same color correspond to days of the same week. The associated text block displays which weekday has received on average the most incoming calls.
- The fourth graph displays the average number of incoming calls received per 1-hour time slot of the day. Associated block displays which 1-hour time slot has received on average the most incoming calls.
Answered calls graphs
From the Analytics window, click on Answered Calls Ratio tab:
Several graphs are available:
- The 28-days history graph is a per-day view of answered calls, missed calls, and the ratio of answered calls displayed with a color gradient from green (more than 80% answered calls) to red (less than 60%)
- The Per day of the week graph is a per-weekday view of the sum of all answered calls, all missed calls, and the ratio of answered calls displayed with a color gradient from green (more than 80% answered calls) to red (less than 60%)
- The Per day of the week and timeslot graph is a dot view whose size represents the average number of calls (answered and missed) and color represents the ratio of answered calls with a gradient from green (more than 80% answered calls) to red (less than 60%)
- The Reasons for missed calls graph displays the missed call distribution for the day before, the last 7 days, and the last 28 days.
- Canceled means calls that were canceled by the caller when ringing, or that reached the voice prompt.
Overflowed means calls that have overflowed (excluding voice prompts) for any reason:
- The hunt group had no members logged in
- All members were already in communication
- No member answered the call, and the overflow timer expired
Exporting hunt group activity to a CSV file
Data of the last 28 days are computed and exported in the CSV file. The CSV file provides the total number of incoming, canceled, and overflowed calls for each weekday, and for each 1-hour time slot of the day.
To export a CSV file:
- From the Analytics window, click on the icon
at the top right of the window.
- Enter the file name.
- Browse, and save the file locally.
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