Target Audience: Rainbow User Related Offers: Essential, Business, Enterprise
You can make audio/video calls (WebRTC - calls made via the Internet) to all your Rainbow contacts. To take full advantage of these functionalities, all you need is a microphone and a Webcam. Additionally, the screen sharing options are presented in a dedicated article.
NOTE: Making audio/video calls depends on the presence of your contact (Online, Away, and Online on Mobile) whom you wish to call.
Go to the left panel "My conversations" to select a conversation with a Rainbow user or find the desired person in your "Contacts."
Click on the blue icon "Make a call to this contact."
Choose between video or audio call; your contact is being called.
When your contact answers your call, a message "Connection in progress" appears in the middle of your contact banner.
A series of icons is then available under your contact's avatar such as "Add video media," "Share your screen," "Turn off your microphone," and "Hang up." The list of all the options available is displayed at the bottom of this article.
While making an audio/video call, you can still use the chat to converse with your contact.
To hang up, simply click on the red icon. You may notice information about this call (duration, timestamp) being displayed at the end of your conversation wall.
NOTE: At any time during your conversation, you may (de)activate thevideo by clicking on the camera icon below your contact's avatar.
Making an Audio/Video Call Directly from a Contact
To make an audio/video call:
Go to your "Contacts" page by clicking on the icon in the top banner of your screen.
Select a contact and click on the blue icon in the middle of your contact's line.
Choose between an audio or video call.
You may also directly call one of your contacts from the "My conversations" wall available on the left panel of your screen.
NOTE: This icon is only available when your contact's presence (Online, Away or Online on Mobile) enables the call to be made.
How to Make a Video Call AND Share My Screen?
To share your screen while making a video call:
Make a video call as seen right above,
Click on the "Share your screen" icon right below your contact's avatar,
The screen is split into two screens: one for the video call and one for your screen shared.
You may still record the communication (Learn more here).
NOTE: This functionality is NOT available on Mobile applications.
Go to the "Conversations" page by clicking on the icon in the lower banner of your screen.
Click on the icon "Make a call to this contact" available in the top banner of your screen, at the right of your contact's name.
Choose between a Video Call or an Audio Call.
When the call is being made, the avatar of your contact is displayed on your screen with several icons such as "Mute microphone," "Mute speaker" and "Activate camera." The list of all the options is available at the bottom of this article.
At the end of your call, information (duration, timestamp) is displayed on your conversation wall.
Audio/Video Call Icons:
Mute the microphone
Reactivate your microphone
Put on speaker
Deactivate the speaker
Add video
Stop video
Switch camera
End the call
How to Make an Audio/Video Call?
Go to the "Conversations" page by clicking on the icon in the lower banner of your screen.
Click on the icon "Make a call to this contact" available in the top banner of your screen, at the right of your contact's name.
Choose between a Video Call or an Audio Call.
When the call is being made, the avatar of your contact is displayed on your screen with several icons such as "Mute microphone," "Mute speaker" and "Activate camera." The list of all the options is available at the bottom of this article.
At the end of your call, information (duration, timestamp) is displayed on your conversation wall.
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