This article allows resellers to configure the telephone numbers (internal extension number and public number) of company members in a Cloud PBX.
Assigning a public number to a company member is optional. When a company member without public number makes an outgoing call, the calling number seen by the called party is the public number of the company.
To associate a telephone device (IP deskphone) to company members, see: Configure telephone devices in a Cloud PBX.
- Public numbers are configured in the Cloud PBX. For details, see: Configure the public numbering plan for a Cloud PBX associated to a customer company.
- A range of internal extension numbers is configured at Cloud PBX declaration.
Note: This range is configured at Cloud PBX declaration, and cannot be modified afterwards. See: Associate a Cloud PBX to a customer company .
Configuring the internal extension number of a company member
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on Customer companies at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the customer list, click on the name of the target customer company.
- In the left panel, click on Members.
- Move your mouse over the target member, click on
and select Member information.
- In the pop-up window which opens, select the Telephony tab.
- In the Equipment field, select the Cloud PBX.
- In the Extension number field, select the internal extension number of the company member among listed available numbers.
- Click on Apply.
The internal extension number is displayed to the right of the target company member (Phone column).
Configuring the public number of a company member
The public number allocated to a company member can be a free public number, or the public number of the company. The public number of the company can only be allocated to one member at a time.
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on Customer companies at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the customer list, click on the name of the target customer company.
- In the left panel, click on Members.
- Move your mouse over the target member, click on
and select Member information.
- In the pop-up window which opens, select the Telephony tab.
- In the Public number field, select the public number of the company member among listed available public numbers.
- Click on Apply.
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on Customer companies at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the customer list, click on the name of the target customer company.
- In the left panel, click on Communication.
- In the right panel of the window, click on the Public numbers tab.
- Move your mouse over the target public number, click on
and select Public number information.
- In the Member field, enter the name of the company member.
- If there is no internal extension number associated to the company member, select a free number in the Extension number field (mandatory).
- Click on Apply.
The target company member is displayed to the right of the public number (Destination information column).
Removing the telephone numbers of a company member
This operation removes all the telephone numbers of a company member (internal extension number and public number). It is not possible to remove only the internal extension number or only the public number of a company member.
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on Customer companies at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the customer list, click on the name of the target customer company.
- In the left panel, click on Members.
- Move your mouse over the target member, click on
and select Member information.
- In the pop-up window which opens, select the Telephony tab.
- Click on Remove.
A confirmation pop-up window opens.
- Click on Remove to confirm deletion.
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