This article allows resellers to configure telephone devices in a Cloud PBX.
It consists in:
- Declaring telephone devices (IP deskphone) in the equipment
- Associating telephone devices to company members
The telephone devices can be declared one by one in the equipment, or in bulk by importing a CSV file with device data (bulk provisioning).
The telephone device association to company member can be performed at device declaration, or later after device declaration. In case of bulk provisioning, the telephone device association to company member can only be done after its declaration in the equipment.
Prerequisite: Before associating telephone devices to company members, ensure company members have a Voice Business license. For details, see: Grant a license to a member.
Declaring a telephone device
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on Customer companies at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the customer list, click on the name of the target customer company.
- In the left panel, click on Communication.
- In the right panel of the window, click on the Devices tab.
- Click on Create.
- Select the device type, and enter its MAC address.
Colon separators are automatically added when typing. - If desired, enter a description.
- If desired, associate the telephone device to a company member:
- Click on the Member tab.
- Select the target company member.
- If there is no internal extension number associated to this company member, select a free number in the Extension number field (mandatory).
Note: The association of an internal extension number can also be done at member configuration (see: Configuring the telephone numbers of company members in a Rainbow Voice equipment).
- Click on Apply.
The telephone device is displayed in the device list. If the telephone device is associated to a company member, the name of this company member and corresponding extension number are also displayed.
Telephone devices bulk provisioning
Bulk provisioning allows to add, modify, delete a number of devices in one go via a CSV file.
This operation consists in:
- Exporting either:
- A template file (CSV format) to create new telephone devices
The exported file contains a header line indicating the fields to complete, as well as an example of telephone device creation. - A CSV file to modify already declared telephone devices
The exported file contains a header line indicating the fields to complete, as well as data of already declared devices, if any.
- A template file (CSV format) to create new telephone devices
- Editing and completing the file with the telephone device data
- Importing the updated file
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on Customer companies at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the customer list, click on the name of the target customer company.
- In the left panel, click on Communication.
- In the right panel of the window, click on the Devices tab.
- Perform any of the following:
- To create new telephone devices: Click on Import, then Download Sample File.
- To modify already declared telephone devices: Click on Export.
- Browse, and save the file locally.
- Edit the file with a text editor.
- For each line, complete the action column with the operation to perform:
- To add a telephone device:
- Copy/paste the line of an existing device, if any.
- Complete the columns with the telephone device data, such as MAC address (mandatory).
- Enter create in the action column.
- To modify a telephone device: enter update in the action column, and modify the columns with the telephone device data.
- To delete a telephone device: enter delete in the action column of the telephone device to delete.
- To add a telephone device:
- Save the file.
- From the Devices tab (see step 4), click on Import.
- Click on Browse and select the path where the file is saved.
- Enter a description (mandatory).
- Click on Import.
A summary of the actions performed in the file is displayed. - Click on Import to confirm.
The Status column indicates if the import has been done succesfully (status must set to Completed). - Click on Back to Devices to display the new devices.
Associating a telephone device to a company member
This section details the association between company members and telephone devices, when not already done at device creation. This can be done from the device list, or from the member list.
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on Customer companies at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the customer list, click on the name of the target customer company.
- In the left panel, click on Communication.
- In the right panel of the window, click on the Devices tab.
- Click on the target telephone device.
- Click on the Member tab.
- Select the target company member.
- If there is no internal extension number associated to this company member, select a free number in the Extension number field (mandatory).
Note: The association of an internal extension number can also be done at member configuration (see: Configuring the telephone numbers of company members in a Rainbow Voice equipment). - Click on Apply.
- From the Rainbow administration interface, click on Customer companies at the bottom of the left panel.
- In the customer list, click on the name of the target customer company.
- In the left panel, click on Members.
- Click on the target company member.
- In the pop-up window which opens, select the Telephony tab.
- In the Device field, select the associated telephone device among the list of available devices.
- Click on Apply.
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