

2 comentários

  • Abdul RAHMAN

    Hello Meher,

    I hope you're having a great day!

    It's advised to use "emailaddress" instead of "UPN".

    The login email needs to adhere to an email format.

    Failure to do so might result in missing out on important notifications, such as:

    - Exporting chat conversations via email
    - Receiving requests to be added to someone's contact list to view their presence
    - Authentication of third-party apps with the user's account

    This approach is more collaboration-oriented.

    Thank you.
    Best regards,
    Abdul Rahman.G

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  • Patrick LEMONNIER

    Hello Meher and Abdul,

    I invite you to consult the document TBE128_Rainbow - Single Sign On (SS0) available the ALE MyPortal site.

    It explains how to translate an email address use in Rainbow to another Id.

    Best regards,
    Patrick Lemonnier

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