
iOS | Push


13 comentários

  • Vladimir VYSKOCIL

    Hello Patrik Spisak,

    I transmitted your question to the relevant developers in our team, but again without logs it is almost impossible to investigate this kind of issues.

    Moreover APN push notification authorization and settings up is done by the application itself and is not done by the Rainbow SDK, there may be a issue in the client code, setting up the certificate, new Apple requirements,...

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  • Vladimir VYSKOCIL

    I got the information that nothing has changed on our side regarding VoIP push notifications, if there were a issue on this side our Rainbow client would also be impacted and will see it very quickly !

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  • Patrik Spisak

    I getting logs ready. Setup of new certificate at 10.4 I did same way as old one, basically follow your instruction

    After I reupload certificate, app was working till yesterday. Also no single change from my side. SDK of app is not the latest one but still one version older. 

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  • Vladimir VYSKOCIL

    I was told that this issue could arise when the application is not acknowledging the VoIP Calls in CallKit, after some missed one iOS cut off the VoIP pushs

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  • Patrik Spisak

    It's not only VoIP even from the conversations Im not receiving notifications since yesterday if app is not active.

    I have posted logs via Telenet Business partner. 

    Here is the proof, that I've generated certificate for production



    Today I've tried to recreate certificates if does not help. But without any result.

    Here is my AppDelegate.swift, which was not changed at all and within this code my push notification worked until yesterday afternoon. 

    Here is the test of the pem file if push notifications are working.

    As you can see push has arrived. So there should not be any problem with certificate. 


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  • Patrik Spisak

    Here are the logs when I tried to have a call once app is alive and open. That was working and then when was phone locked and last case when app was terminated.

    Here are the logs downloaded via iTunes from my device 



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  • Patrik Spisak

    I have checked also on apple console As you see last VoIP notification were delivered 18.4 from that date, zero notifications are delivered. 

    Certificate was changed at 10.4. Is your app running on the same APN server as APPs which just using your SDK for custom apps?

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  • Christophe MUNINGER

    Hi Mr Spisak,

    Rainbow team has analyzed backend logs.

    These logs show that the push is working fine for your AppId 2c5e75e013e511ed8f9da7d9bc63640c up to the 16th of April, 23:13:

    2024-04-16 23:13:02.087255+02:00 [warning] <0.12617.3471>@mod_push_apns_v2:handle_info/2:86 Gun down for AppId <<"2c5e75e013e511ed8f9da7d9bc63640c">> Reason: {error,



                                                                                 "TLS client: In state connection received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Decrypt Error



    APNS is no more able to decrypt the push.

    No changes were done at that time on server side (and if something had happened, all our apps would have been affected, which is not the case).

    This is also the first time we are seeing such kind of error.

    The only thing we can suggest is to redo a certificate for this app and try again (even if it seems you already did that).
    In the meantime, we will also create such a certificate and use it with one of our samples.


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  • Patrik Spisak

    I have tried to create new one again and reupload via dashboard.

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  • Patrik Spisak

    Same for VoIp

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  • Patrik Spisak

    No change at all with new certificates, same result, push are not delivered.

    PEM file was tested. Push was successfuly send and I got it on my phone. 

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  • Joseph IACOPETTA

    Hello Mr Spisak,
    First of all, thank you for reporting this problem and for your patience.

    We have detected a behaviour change in openssl command line tool that leads to the generation of an invalid private key format for our server (PKCS#8 instead of PKCS#1). The documentation will be updated soon.
    Please use the following command to generate your certificate in PEM format :

    • openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -legacy -out cert.pem -in cert.p12
    • openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -legacy -out key.pem -in key.p12
    • openssl rsa -traditional -in key.pem -out key-noenc.pem
    • cat cert.pem key-noenc.pem > apns-cert.pem

    After that, upload the "apns-cert.pem" to your rainbow developer dashboard and it should work again.
    Keep in mind to only use the "APNS V2" section (like screenshot) and not the deprecated one under. The "APNS V2" allows you to use voip and im notification with the same certificate (apns-cert.pem).

    Thank you.

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  • Patrik Spisak


    still does not work. I've revoked old certificates on Apple. Create new one, follows your command to generate certificate in PEM format, upload into APNS V2.


    I've removed VoIP certificate from dashboard and seems that now push are working again.

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