
Add short number in Company Dictionnary


2 comentários

  • Fazal ABIBULLA

    Hi Doutriaux, I hope you're doing well.

    Please note that the "other number" field in your company's business directory must be a valid 10-digit number or DDI to be accepted. Kindly update it with a public or other 10-digit number.

    For further assistance or any questions, feel free to create a support request at, and we will be happy to help.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Fazal (Rainbow TAC)

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  • G Doutriaux

    in France, we have short number for some call center.

    We have to call for exemple 3679 to call Health Insurance Support .
    We haven't any other 'long' number.

    We can call this number by using 03679 in Rainbow.

    For this reason, we need to store this short number (with 0 for external) to help our salaries to it.
    Some other agencies have this short number too.


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