
Disable notification on smartphone app


1 comentário

  • Fazal ABIBULLA

    Hi Guillaume, Hope you are doing well. 

    Unfortunately, there is currently no built-in feature in most mobile operating systems that allows you to selectively block call notifications from a specific app while still allowing the app to function on other devices. This is primarily due to the way DND modes are typically designed to work across all devices associated with a single user account.

    Some third-party apps designed to manage notifications on your phone might offer more advanced customization options. These apps could potentially allow you to block call notifications from specific apps while leaving other types of notifications intact. However, be cautious when using third-party apps, as they may not always be reliable or secure.

    You can create a Service Request at if you have any further queries.

    We appreciate your understanding.


    Thanks & Regards,
    Fazal (Rainbow TAC)

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