Uninstall - no more default browser
I just had a big issue with the rainbow client 2.5.
We have uninstalled it from several Win10 PC, and each time, there was no more default browser in Windows. The option is not there anymore.
We re-installed the client, and the option Default Browser is back, but only with Edge (no possibility to choose Chrome or Firefox despite both being installed).
Did anybody had the same issue ?
Is it a known issue ?
Thanks for your help
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I have seen that your ALE reseller has opened a support ticket for this issue. I'll summarize here the analysis and the fix that will be provided.
Teams V2 works with an app installed on the PC calls Smartapp, last version is 2.5.
Rainbow Desktop app can't be installed at the same time Smart app is installed.
Teams V3 needs the Rainbow Desktop app and not anymore the Smartapp, therefore a mechanism is in place when you install the Desktop app it will automatically uninstall the Smartapp (invoking Smartapps uninstall.exe file).This uninstall.exe file is the reason of the issue, during the uninstallation a command is called to delete the registry key [HKEY LOCAL MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications] which contains in addition to also en entry for Rainbow also other entries like Firefox or Chrome.
Next official Desktop application will fix this issue and the automatic uninstallation of the Smartapp will not cause the issue anymore. Fix is provided for "per machine" installation.
Rainbow Customer Care TeamAções de comentário -
Sorry ... I'm using Rainbow service for Microsoft Teams on my machines.
I'm studying the migration to the new version of Rainbow for Teams: V3.
In order to do that, I need to uninstall the actual Rainbow desktop Client and install the new one . This will allow me to use the new Teams Rainbow application V3.
But ..... every time we use the uninstall from the "Rainbow desktop application", we loose the default applications in windows. The list, in Windows parameters, contains only Windows applications, and no foreign applications anymore like Accrobat Reader or Firefox.
Je vais écrire en français pour toucher plus de monde.
J'ai un énorme problème à la désinstallation du client lourd Rainbow: toutes les associations d'applications disparaissent avec la désinstallation.
Même en utilisant la fonction de réparation de Windows, on récupère uniquement les application pure windows. C'est à dire que par exemple, Acrobat reader n'est plus disponible dans les applications disponibles pour associer .pdf et Acrobat. Idem pour Firefox etc ...
Je veux passer à une version plus récente du client lourd, mais là, c'est pas possible :-(
Quelqu'un a une idée ?
Por favor, entrar para comentar.
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