
Connect the Same OXE for Several Rainbow Companies



4 comentários

  • Quentin Grabenstaetter

    Hello Guilherme Arthur,

    What do you mean by Company prefix?

    Could you please give more details?

    Thanks in advance,

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  • Guilherme-Arthur DE-OLIVEIRA

    Hello Quentin GRABENSTAETTER

    creating an OXE SHARED to put the same OXE for several companies, but I am not able to share between several companies, and there is this Company Prefix field that has nothing to select, I am thinking that the fact that I can not associate has something to do with this prefix.

    So I'd like to know what this Company Prefix is all about and how to setup it.

    Thank you.

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  • Quentin Grabenstaetter

    Hello Guilherme Arthur,

    To put the same OXE for several Companies in Rainbow, you have to subscribe to the OTEC-S offers.

    An "OTEC-S Early Adopter" phase start the next week and the final version should be available at the end of February. Before this release you won't be able to connect a shared OXE to Rainbow.

    Sorry for the inconvenience,

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  • Guilherme-Arthur DE-OLIVEIRA

    Hello Quentin GRABENSTAETTER,

    I understood, in the last update I spoke that it would work, but then so definitive in February, we are waiting, we need this connection due to our customers waiting for this feature in angrily.

    But thank you.

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