Add a Dial Pad to Make Phone Call from Mobile Applications
Within the latest updates it's possible to make phonecalls from the Rainbow Android Application through the PBX. It's possible to enter a number in the search field and hit the audio call button.
A nice and cool enhancement is an integrated dialpad. This means when pressing an icon you open the dialpad. There're other applications supporting this.
Below a suggestion with an icon of 9 blocks. When pressing that icon you open a dialpad and can enter a number to dial.
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Hello everyone,
We first rejected this request. But in the end, the large number of votes for this suggestion made us change our minds.
This shows that nothing is ever lost! 😊
A dial pad will be available in the next versions for mobile applications. I will update this post as soon as I have more details.
Ações de comentário -
Hi Christophe,
Yes you can enter numbers by using the keyboard, but this gives not a good feeling by the customers and users. When using a dialpad you know for sure you can enter a number. This gives a better behavior for the users.
We suggest a dialpad window (like you have in the OTCv / OpenTouch Client) as well.Best Regards
@Christophe, I agree with @Esli's comments. I have a partner who has requested this multiple times, and has asked me to raise this with the Rainbow product team. While I do concede that you can dial numbers though the OS keyboard, this is not as user-friendly as having a dedicated dialpad.
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