
Create Single-Use or Time-Limited Bubbles


3 comentários

  • Quentin Grabenstaetter

    Hello Mikail,

    We have planned to add the possibility of sorting the bubbles according to the last activities. Maybe it's a first step that could help you? It will allow you to identify your bubbles that have not been active for a long time.

    What do you think about that?

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  • Mikail YARDIMCI

    Hi Quentin,

    of course this is a first step but today my problem is that everybody lost the overview of his bubbles.

    This bubbles are not times-lot orientated/ scheduled or visible in outlook. Cause some of them are used regularly and some only one time for a video session. So i guess we need some more configuration points by adding a bubble one time, scheduled, max. duration etc..) otherwise we get lost in the bubble wood and produce more and more bubbles for the same project/theme etc...

    As we chat before, tag's would be also helpful and the visibility in contact list who is in which of my bubble or same bubble with me would help also.

    A reminder could be also useful for all participants, do you still need this bubble...?

    But three types are imperative:

    • one time bubble
    • scheduled bubble with outlook synch
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  • Quentin Grabenstaetter

    Hello Mikail,

    Great idea, let's wait and see what our product team must say about it!

    Feel free to vote and comment other post so that they have a better visibility...

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