
Chatbot using web API's


4 comentários

  • Vincent BAILLEAU

    Hi Parthi,

    No, it's not possible to converse with Rainbow user without a login. Nevertheless, you may use a temporary guest user to accomplish you task. For security reason this user have to be created and login (with API, without XMPP) at server side level (backend).

    Once you're temporary user is connected, transmit the guest JWT token to you front end in order to call the signinOnRainbowOfficialWithToken method ( ).

    You are now able to communicate with Rainbow visible users on Rainbow.



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  • Parthi Sai

    Thank you for the support. Well received your point.


    Parthi Sai

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  • kara desu

    "you may use a temporary guest user to accomplish you task. For security reason this user have to be created and login (with API, without XMPP) at server side level (backend)."

    Are you talking about the "/api/rainbow/admin/v1.0/users" api? it doesn't return any token, just the created user (with guest role) data.


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  • Vincent BAILLEAU

    Hi kara desu,

    please simply use the email and it's associated password return during guest user creation in order to login and retrieve the user token, please have a look on hub documentation for more details.

    Thank you


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