I can't connect on sandbox server
i develop with rainbow nodejs api.
During the connection, i dond't see log with 'succesfull' connection,
and while i execute same issue with wrong credentials, i see in log 'connection error, login or pass..', same for app/secret id.
If credentials are correct, sdk pass by 'onstarted' event and after by 'onreconnecting' event, i don't understand why, and he should pass by 'onconnected' event between us???
A screen of logs :
Thanks for your reply,
Hi Vincent BAILLEAU ,
Yes, i try with NodeJS starterkit and that's works good, (retry this day, that's ok) but on my own app,
after "event - STATUS_EVENT : status | connecting", i see : "event - STATUS_EVENT : status | reconnecting"
Without error or others messages..
Hi Vincent BERDER !
I try the sdk on corporate network and on home, same issu..
I don't understand what, i try remake project but nothing, same issu
Ok, so could you please activate full logs, so maybe we can see what is going on.
in the options of the SDK :
"logs": {
"enableConsoleLogs": true, // Default: true
"enableFileLogs": true, // Default: false
"color": true,
"level": 'debug',
"customLabel": "customApp",
"system-dev": {
"internals": true,
"http": true,
}, // */
"file": {
"path": 'c:/temp/', // Default path used
"customFileName": "R-SDK-Node-Sample2",
//"level": 'info', // Default log level used
"zippedArchive" : false/*,
"maxSize" : '10m',
"maxFiles" : 10 // */
}, -
Hi Quentin,
I do not see what is wrong. Note that the error about the listenerCount of undefined means that it did not found the object from :
let EventEmitter = require("events").EventEmitter;
This is realy strange.
Is your package.json well filled ? did you run npm install after updatind rainbow node sdk ?
Which version of node do you used ?
Por favor, entrar para comentar.
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