
augmented communication


6 comentários

  • VERGER Mathias

    ok it's very nice but the people who need my help haven't the helmet because it can be a end user or a mecanician in a workshop

    if it can be compatible with any type of smartphone (android or IOs) it can be a serious advantage for me

    we could respond quickly if the customer had a problem

    today the rainbow system is good but with this system "augmented communication" we can give an answer immediatly

    you can look at "teamviewer pilot"

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  • Antonio TESSARI

    This Is remote control, not condivision of your desk, i understand?

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  • VERGER Mathias

    Hi, it's for helping a technician in a car to do the good thing.
    you can ,by the video call,choose to touch a point on a touchscreen or maybe with the mouse on a laptop
    and on the screen of the interlocutor there is a cross to show the point to see
    do you understand

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  • Mikail YARDIMCI

    Hi Mathias, we integrated a wearable HMT-1 where you can use a Rainbow UCaaS client:

    This device is compatible with rainbow UCaaS. Here you'll find more details on that:
    there is also a reference with Lexus using this wearable s in automotive.

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  • Mikail YARDIMCI

    Hi Mathias, i fully agree with you. I made a FS long time ago for similar requirement which would fit also your needs, i guess:
    BR , Mikail

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  • VERGER Mathias

    I restart the subject is it possible to point on the screen of the interlocutor especially when you are in video communication

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