
SDK Get No Contact and Cannot Make Call


5 comentários

  • Olivier ANGUENOT

    Hi Chan,

    A call to method rainbowsdk.contacts.getAll() returns the list of contacts that are in the network of the connected user.

    You can use additional methods to search for contacts such as searchContactByName().

    More information can be found in that guide:




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  • Ngo-Kei CHAN

    It seems that I cannot get anything from searchByName() too.

    Is it the matter I am actually not connected to Rainbow Cloud as it said I am not able to make WebRTC call too, after initialize.

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  • Olivier ANGUENOT

    Hi Chan,

    Did you call the signin() method for connecting to the Sandbox platform (or the appropriate one for Production) ?

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  • Alejandro SR


    It happen to me initially the same. Probably your user don´t have contacts.

    I use rainbowSDK.contacts.searchById because I know the Ids from my application.

    I also wait until the user connected to start asking for contact information. So I wait until this event has been raised: rainbowSDK.connection.RAINBOW_CONNECTIONCONNECTED

    Hope it helps.



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  • Ngo-Kei CHAN

    After call signin() (to Sandbox), it always return empty Promise from signin() and the object has nothing to browse.....

    Is it something network issue as I can see some 404 warn in debugger.

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