
Missed Call log on iOS


4 comentários

  • Comentário oficial

    Hi Michael,

    We are experiencing some issues regarding notifications on mobiles these days.

    By trying to check the today-behavior in the last 1.54 release, I wanted to check your issue as well.

    Your problem is reproduced, so I'm going to open a ticket! As soon as I get more information, I'll share with you.

    @Brian: thank you to support the Rainbow community!

    Best regards,


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  • Brian BIRD

    Hey Mick

    Are the users part of a Hunt Group? There is an issue that if a call comes into a hunt group, it is presented to all of the users, but if someone else answers it is still registers as a missed call in your Rainbow. Feel free to give me a buzz to discuss.


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  • Michael PHILLIPS

    No hunt group, do have a multi-set with an IPDSP.

    These are inter-rainbow calls, not via PBX.

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  • MOHAMMED Hussain

    Is the issue fixed in any release? I can see the issue still persists in 1.96

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