
WEB API Telephony Module Function isDeskPhoneAvailable doesn't work as expected


4 comentários

  • Konrad Hyzy

    Hi Christian,


    have you tried using isTelephonyAvailable() method in your situation?



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  • Christian WÖRSTENFELD

    Hi, yes. Doesn't work.

    Phone is put OOS with Prefix and values are:

    isTelephonyAvailable true
    isDeskPhoneAvailable true
    isVoIPAvailable true


    BR C

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  • Christian WÖRSTENFELD

    It's different when I unplug the phone AND reload the whole website:

    isTelephonyAvailable false
    isDeskPhoneAvailable true
    isVoIPAvailable true

    But it's not updated on an existing connection.

    And it's not working when the set is not unplugged but set oos via prefix.

    BR C

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  • Christian WÖRSTENFELD

    There is also an error:

    [telephonyService] getTelephonyState -- failure -- <error xmlns="jabber:client" type="modify"><bad-request xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas"/><text xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas">Resource out of service.</text></error>

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