
Unable to access microphone


8 comentários

  • Jill FECHNER it works in the browser just not the desktop app on Windows for me

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  • johan saton

    Same issue here, tried reboot, reinstall, nothing works. Microphone and camera work in other applications.  

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  • Jill FECHNER

    Configuration test also fails

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  • Maxime PREAULT

    Same problem for me and my users this morning. The update is bugged.

    Rainbow does not recognize the microphone. My AV is blocking Rainbow. I have to exclude totally Rainbow from the A/V's realtime analyse.

    The only way to return to normal is to downgrade Rainbow to the previous version

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    Looking at the behaviors you are describing, it may happen that you are facing different issues.
    In any case, I would recommend to all of you the following:

    check if the audio configuration has not been resetted at the installation in the Settings – Audio/Video page
    check if is it the same issue with integrated micro and headset micro
    About the RCC by using Jabra: docheck if the problem concern only Jabra (is it possible to test other headsets), is it related only to Desktop app or also to Web app?
    And then,  could you open ticket to with this information, and logs containing a call without the audio (but with timestamp) 

    Thank you for your understanding. We’ll come back to you with a solution as soon as possible after analyzes.


    Best regards


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  • Patrick SWINNEN

    Hello, same issue with one of my clients :

    88 users with Jabra Evolve 75 BT headsets.

    since last upgrade of Rainbow desktop app => off-hook press on the headset then the users get now some kind of sound instead that the off-hook/onhook works.

    needs to be fixed asap!


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  • Jill FECHNER

    And after the update today the issue with the app is back

    When trying to make a call I get this 

    Something went wrong. Rainbow can't acces the microphone or camera


    I have checked the settings and all allow access to the microphone

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  • johan saton

    Same issue back again. I've checked the settings and it should work but it doesn't. 

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