he Quentin GRABENSTAETTER , any update / new option in the custo.manifest file ? like filter on a specific nr when incoming call.
Dear Christian, any update on the case 00567204 ?
dear ,what can you do with the "extension-points" can we use this to filter on the calling nr (example from 1 specific internal user)
Can i also join the beta test group ?
OXO & OCE are starting 1 by 1 to connected to the services now
Pascal, OXE are back connected but 0 OXO's this time. When you start the queue of the OXO & OCE ?
Quentin, any update as still 0 of our customers can use the rainbow telephony service. Rebooting the rainbow agent in the pabx doesn't help.
Would be nice also for the oxo systems as well
Customers are still reporting issue's today 19/11/2020. When will this be finished ?
could a pexip integration help in this case ?