it's good to monitor the health of the server via SNMP and also monitor the status of all the services running.
when launching Rainbow Salesforce connector, when does the xml file has to be deployed, before or after Rainbow configuration.
When I try to change audio setting from desktop application it doesn't shows the devices just the camera but if I enter rainbow web and try to change settings i can is there any way to solve this
I have try to change autoupdate in WebRTC config but I can't it tells me ERROR: invalid config option AUTOUPDATE=true how do i have to do it to change this value.
when i call from rainbow app to an internal extention using Voip and if I answer the call from the phone everything is ok and the voice is heard; but if i call from Rainbow app to internal extentio...
I have an oxo connect to latest release, I have connected to Rainbow and it's shown as active, but when I try to assign an extension to a user, it only shows the analog and digital phones, but the ...
on Android and Iphone cell phone, if i don't open the rainbow app i can't receibe chat or call notifications, I have to open it and then i receibe all past notifications. I have 30 clientes with di...