Fabrice LE-MOUILLOUR comentou,
Bonjour et Merci pour cette documentation très complète.Pouvez-vous me confirmer qu'un utilisateur peut se connecter au centre de contact avec son compte Rainbow existant ? (qu'il n'est donc pas né...
Fabrice LE-MOUILLOUR comentou,
Hello,Is there an "ini" file or "Key" in the registry that enable this AUTOSTART ?
Fabrice LE-MOUILLOUR comentou,
I've got the same trouble : 5 Rainbow Clients in two days with whiteScreen !is there an explanation ?
Fabrice LE-MOUILLOUR comentou,
Bonjour Quentin, Nous envisageons de privilégier l'usage du navigateur web pour l'utilisation de Rainbow : cela nous affranchira de devoir déployer régulièrement les mises à jour du client.Pouvez-v...
Fabrice LE-MOUILLOUR comentou,
Hello Claire, This command doesn't work with the "MSI install per Machine" The Pop-Up is still enable ! thank's for your help
Fabrice LE-MOUILLOUR comentou,
Hello Quentin, do you confirm that in case of a per-machine installation, the users won't be able to apply the update of Rainbow ? This will pose a blocage !
Fabrice LE-MOUILLOUR comentou,
Hello, I don't want to manage the rainbow's number : I Just want to extract them in a csv file Thanks
Fabrice LE-MOUILLOUR comentou,
Nathalie, Thank you for your help , but unfortunately, those CSV don't indicate the Rainbow Number wich is needed for the association of the Remote Extension
Fabrice LE-MOUILLOUR criou uma publicação,
Hi, I'm going to create 200 rainbow users for using the softphone. I'll use the CSV template to add them Massevly in my company. But I'll have to create manually the 200 Remote Extension in the 877...
Fabrice LE-MOUILLOUR criou uma publicação,
Hello, What is the minimum version of Mozilla Firefox for using Rainbow ?