Mustafa AYDINALP comentou,
is the voice phone plan enough to get benefit from the hunt group feature in the scope of the rainbow hub solution?
Mustafa AYDINALP comentou,
hello Baptiste; I know this feature list for many years, I am asking for a presentation, if there is any. thanks for letting me know if there is any presentation made up of for that purpose. kind r...
Mustafa AYDINALP criou uma publicação,
is there any powerpoint, that explains all the available features in rainbow ucaas
Mustafa AYDINALP criou uma publicação,
hi responsible; please implement below feature need: ability to select "mark as unread" option per each conversation in rainbow this feature will indeed increase productivity of rainbow when you m...
Mustafa AYDINALP comentou,
but the solution that you are telling is a theme, what I am asking is:to change the background (with predefined colors and with predefined skins) --> like you are able to do it in WhatsApp. and you...
Mustafa AYDINALP criou uma publicação,
hi responsible; during the trial of rainbow in opportunity customers, when we let them use the application, the first feature request (even though it is not useful or needed) is to be able to cha...
Mustafa AYDINALP criou uma publicação,
dear rainbow team; rainbow call/conference is disconnected/freezing when passing from WIFI to 3G/4G connection on the smartphone. when do you expect to solve this problem? thanks and best regards.
Mustafa AYDINALP comentou,
thank you Jean Pascal, this solution is OK for us, we implemented your configuration proposal and it worked, many thanks and best regards.
Mustafa AYDINALP criou uma publicação,
hello rainbow team; when I receive a call on rainbow (enterprise or business subscription) from another rainbow client, or from an external number or from an OXE extension, I would like to transfer...
Mustafa AYDINALP comentou,
hello Petr; this place is to ask for "feature suggestions/development requests".I am the one who requested this feature. but I am not the one who will develop it. better you to ask this question to...