hi Team, its a MUST have, feature. today we need user other applications for the remote. ./regards Fegy Simon
hi Dallan, this is allowed only if my customer is already added in the rainbow ? or can I dial from outlook contacts directly even the customer is not added in my Rainbow" (this is the requirement...
Hope this is still not supported ? had a search on news&updates but bounced back on my 1 year old request :) thanks in advance , to let me know if there is an update on this. ./regards Fegy
hi Team, are we taking up this? or as of now, it's not taken into account? either a yes or no, please.... ./regards Fegy Simon
hi MSTeams like Speed dial is desirable
Hello Luis, Do OXE do a keep-alive by ping or any other specific protocol to rainbow cloud? that will help us to check on the network part. ./regards Fegy Simon
Hi team, observing Rainbow is slow, and reloads randomly. the messages are failing to send, or reached late to the other users, old messages are not displayed in bubbles. anybody observed these ...
Thanks Nathalie, the right link. thanks a lot.. ./regards fegy
hi team , just to confirm the WebRTC upgrade procedure on the ESXi. the following files are available in the webRTC software package. rainbow-webrtc-gateway-1.74.16-279.iso >> hardware machiner...