Geert-Agfa GOOS criou uma publicação,
Could it be possible to be able to search for tags in the search bar
Geert-Agfa GOOS criou uma publicação,
Are there Quick start guides available with the New Rainbow Lay Out?
Geert-Agfa GOOS criou uma publicação,
Hello , I can not search in the PBX Phone (OXO ) from the rainbow client (Business) I can see the name and the number with an incoming call . But they do not appear in the search field . We have a...
Geert-Agfa GOOS criou uma publicação,
I can not search in the PBX Phone (OXE12.2) book from the rainbow client (Business) I can see the name and the number with an incoming call . But they do not appear in the search field .
Geert-Agfa GOOS comentou,
Hi Brian , I was not in the office for a few days , but everything works fine now . Thanks for the info .
Geert-Agfa GOOS comentou,
I have the same problem on other users , maybe there is a general rainbow problem?
Geert-Agfa GOOS criou uma publicação,
With one rainbow user i have the problem that the phone in the top right of the rainbow application is off-hook and showing the message “telephone services are currently not available”. the user ...
Geert-Agfa GOOS comentou,
Hello Quentin , The Upgrade solved the problem Thx ! Kr Geert
Geert-Agfa GOOS criou uma publicação,
Hi , Since the last Update of the rainbow on the 31st of march, we only see the number of the extensions from the oxe in the call log ? Kr Geert
Geert-Agfa GOOS criou uma publicação,
Hello , Can a virtual UA set be used as main set ? If I configure a virtual UA set as main set in the tandem ,i can not link it in the Rainbow my company members . The extension does not show in th...