Quentin comentou,
Hello Vincent, Thanks for your reply ! I think all is ok, i have the phone when i connect on my account on real Rainbow application and i can receive call from pbx. When i try to make a call from...
Quentin criou uma publicação,
Hi, i develop with rainbow nodejs api. Node is in 10.15.1 LTS version. Rainbow SDK is in 1.52.0. When i try to make a call with makeCallByPhoneNumber() with a number like '0123456789', i receive...
Quentin comentou,
Hi Vincent, I have a react native app for front and nodejs for back-end now and I try to make a custom bridge between nodejs and my react native app, and that's works good. Thank you, Quentin.
Quentin comentou,
Hi Vincent, thanks for your reply Yes my package.json filled. And for sure, i run 'npm install' after add rainbow node sdk to package.json (v 1.52.0) Node is in 10.15.1 LTS version
Quentin comentou,
I put options (without logs file) on my app, and an error come on rainbow-sdk:
Quentin comentou,
Hi Vincent BERDER ! I try the sdk on corporate network and on home, same issu.. I don't understand what, i try remake project but nothing, same issu
Quentin comentou,
Hi Vincent BAILLEAU , Yes, i try with NodeJS starterkit and that's works good, (retry this day, that's ok) but on my own app, after "event - STATUS_EVENT : status | connecting", i see : "event - S...
Quentin comentou,
Hi Vincent, Yes, the application works and build sucess. Quentin
Quentin criou uma publicação,
Hi, i develop with rainbow nodejs api. During the connection, i dond't see log with 'succesfull' connection, and while i execute same issue with wrong credentials, i see in log 'connection error, l...