David LAMORSKI criou uma publicação,
Currently it is possible to select multiple files and perform to all selected files the actions "download" or "share". I'd like to have additional a "delete" function for selected items.
David LAMORSKI comentou,
you can fetch the following command on the WebRTC Gateway console (for instance using ssh) to obtain this information: cat /tmp/mpgw-active-sessions
David LAMORSKI comentou,
once you activated snmpd it is possible to extend snmpd. To request WebRTC GW version using snmp I would do: sudo sed -e '/\.1\.3\.6\.1\.2\.1\.25\.1/i\view systemonly included .
David LAMORSKI comentou,
Try this for 1.77.16-xxx echo "deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian stretch main contrib non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.listsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install snmp-mibs-downloa...
David LAMORSKI comentou,
it's running smoth on hyper-v $ mpshow Rainbow WebRTC Gateway version: 1.75.5-302 - janus-gateway-mediapillar 1.75.2~202006101732.0a687a7ff-103- otlitemediapillargateway 1.75.3~202006261618.187e1a0...
David LAMORSKI comentou,
I think Rainbow-Feature-List-and-Applications should list detailed informations about supported Headsets types and not such only names of the brands...
David LAMORSKI comentou,
Yes, I can confirm this problem exists.
David LAMORSKI criou uma publicação,
Hi, is it save to use AUTOUPDATE="true" in Rainbow WebRTC Gateway version: 1.68.6-144?
David LAMORSKI comentou,
Small update for rainbow-webrtc-gateway-1.70.3-175: extract the zip archive unzip rainbow-webrtc-gateway-1.70.3-175.zip create new disk image sudo qemu-img create /var/lib/libvirt/images/rainb...
David LAMORSKI comentou,
maybe this is not official, but snmp support can be enabled by add the software repository for the distribution echo "deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian stretch main contrib non-free" >> /etc/ap...