
On incoming call how to call a Mac Application


10 Kommentare

  • Jean-Luc BOUSSEL

    Hello Alberto

    You can consult :

    This will depends on how you're CRM can be automated.
    but you can pass some parametrs to it as for example the caller number.
    Best Regards

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  • Alberto Paglino

    Many thanks for your answer, but the page you suggest ad that I have already visited, has no examples for Apple Mac applications, or Mac terminal command like "curl http://someAddress/somePage". How can I do?

    Many thanks, Alberto.

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  • Jean-Luc BOUSSEL

    Current version of Rainbow desktop supports to lauch the execution of an application or the opening of a web page with the default browser. In future version we'll support Rest API calls. If you want to do it with curl , the curl syntaxe must be used.

            "on-incoming-pbx-call-actions": [   {
                    "name": "browse",
                    "command": {
                        "url": "http://someAddress/somePage"
                }  ]
    will open a browser with page "http://someAddress/somePage" 

                    "command": {
                        "url": "http://someAddress/somePage"
                        "params" : "MyParam"

    will open a browser with page "http://someAddress/somePage?MyParam" 

                     "command": {
                        "url": "/Applications/"
                        "params" : "-MyParam"
    will execute -MyParam
    Depending on your app MyCRM, this will open a new instance ot an existing one 

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  • Alberto Paglino

    Hi, I tryed with:


     "command": {
                        "url": "/Applications/"
                        "params" : " "

    But, reading log file, I find:

    error in URL

    I am interested to send a terminal command like /usr/bin/curl "http://someAddress/somePage?MyParam"

    How can I do?

    Many thanks, Alberto.



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  • Jean-Luc BOUSSEL

    What is the real objective ?
     - open a web page in a browser
     - execute a rest GET call
     - other...

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  • Alberto Paglino

     - execute a rest GET call

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  • Alberto Paglino

    This File works for me:

    "version": "2",
    "extension-points": {
    "on-answering-incoming-pbx-call-actions": [
    "name": " ",
    "command": {
    "params": "caller=${caller.phoneNumber}&called=${localUser.internalNumber}"
    "RaiseChangeCall": true
    But the problem is that I don't want to open a web browser page. Just send the data to the web server
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  • Alberto Paglino

    If I make the same call in the Mac terminal with curl, it works like expected

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  • Alberto Paglino

    curl ''

    For example, works correctly

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  • Jean-Luc BOUSSEL

    Hello Alberto
    Be aware that wer'e currently working exactly on your use case, enabling some REST api calls triggered on Rainbow events and customized by end user without needing to use curl. This will come in future release.
    For now, we've done it exactly like you try to do it with curl but only on Windows and it works.
    By investigating on MAC, following your question, we discovered a bug which prevents to do it using curl on MAC with the current version. The only workaround we found with this version is to write a shell script which will execute the curl command. This has a side effect a a quick open/close windows when executing the script.
    We apologize for this inconvenience and will correct this point. 

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