Rainbow Hub - Allow Set-PC and App to all call together - causing confusion- can you call one of my customers and explain why it is a good feature please
Rainbow Hub - Allow Set-PC and App to all call together for incomming calls
- This works correctly on OXE and OXO RB Hybrid
- Please expain wht ALE think this is a good design please but not adopted on OXO/E?
- Can i have the PLM DDI so our customers can explain that RBH design is better than Rainbow Hybrid that gets no complaints.
Rainbow Hub - Allow Set-PC and App to all call together or make calls together and lose the choice botton in the PC app, it confuses users and is pointless.
With a SIP set , eg none M range irt works how users would like.
I dont see the point of the feature, ie set to set and calls to the App call the PC, if answered on the PC the set takes the call.
Our 1st 12 Hub customer have all complained about this and has accounted for 99% of issues.
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Hello, thank you for your suggestion. It's in our roadmap.
Best regards,Eva Laravine, Product Marketing Manager
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