Better Voicemail notification on iOS client
A customer has raised an issue where they have stated its not obvious that there is a voicemail left in their mailbox. I have tested and confirmed this is the case.
Yes there is a red notification in the bottom right, yes the voicemail is in the mailbox but you have to use the filters to find it within the current client.
I have found an old video where the filter was separated in tabs and its was much more obvious that a voicemail was left for the user as follows and the voicemail looks like a visual voicemail solution. Please could the solution within the video be reimplemented within the iOS Rainbow client:-
Check your voicemail – Rainbow Help Center (
The client is using an OXE with 4645 voicemail.
Notification of voicemail currently:-
Voicemail can be seen using filter:-
I have the same behavior with an OXE and an OTMS, but it seems normal, because on the OXE, there is no way to get the visual voicemail...
This is only for Rainbow HUB and the OXO (small ALE system)
It would be great to have this visual Voicemail on OXE too!!!!
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