webRTC upgrade document
Answeredhi Team ,
the WebRTC upgrade document says
"First you must copy the new version into the folder upgrade located under the root directory of the WebRTC gateway."
is this /root/upgrade/ directory ? the same is NOT accessible via the normal login (non-root).
there is another directory /home/rainbow/upgrade/ which is accessible with non-root login, need to confirm whether the directory referred to as upgrade located under root is this ? or do we need the root login to upgrade the webRTC.
thanks in advance for your reply.
Fegy Simon
hi team ,
just to confirm the WebRTC upgrade procedure on the ESXi.
the following files are available in the webRTC software package.
rainbow-webrtc-gateway-1.74.16-279.iso >> hardware machine
rainbow-webrtc-gateway-1.74.16-279.iso.md5 >> Hardware machine
rainbow-webrtc-gateway-1.74.16-279.mf >> new installation on ESXI
rainbow-webrtc-gateway-1.74.16-279.ovf >> new installation on ESXI
rainbow-webrtc-gateway-1.74.16-279.vmdk >> new installation on ESXIfor the upgrade of the webRTC on an ESXi machine is there any separate steps
referring to the below readme.txt
the .ISO and .md5 file to be uploaded to the /home/rainbow/upgrade/ directory for the upgrade on ESXi.
The vmdk,ovf and mf files shall be used for a new installation.
Fegy Simon
Readme file contents below.
Rainbow WebRTC Gateway version 1.74.16-279 delivery
For deployment on ESXi or vCenter just upload file:
For deployment on hardware machine, use Rufus to create USB key with iso:
Checksum file of the iso file:
For upgrade, upload the files
to the /upgrade directory using filezilla/scp/Winscp with ssh activated,
then use the mpupgrade command.
For details on mpugrade options, use the mphelp command.
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