Dallan STEVENSON commented,
The problem seems to be the pbx agent not connected, as i can see webrtc connected for all companies in equipment section but restarting the pbx agent doesnt do anything yet
Dallan STEVENSON commented,
Ah ok, carry on so
Dallan STEVENSON commented,
looks like company admin, can also access that now too My Company, Information, Themes (Tab) on Right
Dallan STEVENSON commented,
this can be done by resellers to create a custom skin under "Administration / White Label"
Dallan STEVENSON commented,
User creation is shown in "History" also shows updates, and deletion
Dallan STEVENSON commented,
same issue here
Dallan STEVENSON commented,
really needs to be supported now that lots of users are working remotely on rainbow and incoming calls need to be sent to multiple users (parallel)
Dallan STEVENSON created a post,
where is the voicemail gone in new look client documentation shows old client, customer cant find voicemail tab anymore since updating to new client https://support.openrainbow.com/hc/en-us/article...
Dallan STEVENSON commented,
Dallan STEVENSON commented,
Again Is the company and User linked to a pbx? in "communication" in the company settings Then the Rainbow will tell the PBX to make the Call for the User to ANY number you tell it