Transfert automatique des appels sur mon gsm
Quelle est la marche à suivre afin que les appels reçus sur mon poste fixe soit automatiquement redirigés vers mon gsm portable lorsque je suis en télétravail ?
J'ai bien téléchargé l'application sur mon gsm.
--automatic translation--
What is the procedure to follow so that calls received on my landline are automatically redirected to my mobile when I'm teleworking?
I have downloaded the application on my mobile phone.
Thank you for your help,
--automatic translation--
Comentario oficial
Hi Marine,
first of all I can see that your account is a freemium account, you'll need first to contact your IS/IT administrator to ask him to invite you to join the company from a Rainbow point of view.
Once added to the company he may have to make some configuration to allow you to use Rainbow to make phone calls. You can then have a look to the using Rainbow articles which explain all basic functionalities
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