extends CUSTO.MANIFEST wirh on-call-released-actions
add more extension-points to CUSTO.MANIFEST.
I need event if call is ending. e.g. on-call-released-actions from Opentouch
Hallo Michael,
Stand heute gibt es nur die Aktion für Ankommende Anrufe mit folgenden Informationen:
${caller.phoneNumber}und seit v91
${localUser.internalNumber}ich habe Case 00567204 [Extension of "extension-points" in custo.mainfest needed] bei ALE erstellt und daraufhin einen Product Enhancement Request (PER) veranlasst. Schauen wir mal, was passiert.
Viele Grüße
Christian -
Baptiste CANDELIER told me:
You have to raise a Product Enhancement Request at your ALE Sales Manager.
Today we have just the following actions and information for incoming calls available:
and since v91
PS: The PER is not followed by me. I can't tell you the status. Maybe Baptiste knows more.
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