
Node Js makeCall PBX contact


3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Vincent BERDER



    I am not sure to unsderstand the use case. So some questions:

    * is-it normal that the phonenumber of the callee is on 4 digits "2151"?

    * When you say that the callee does not receives the call. Is it on the phoneset, or on rainbow ?

    * Do you have some logs, maybe we can see the issue ?




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  • Vincent BERDER



    A first step to test the makecall is to use a simple makecall with a phone number :


    async function testmakeCallByPhoneNumber() {
    logger.log("debug", "MAIN - [makeCallByPhoneNumber] ", data);
    }).catch((error) => {
    logger.log("debug", "MAIN - [makeCallByPhoneNumber] error ", error);

    setTimeout(() => {
    logger.log("debug", "MAIN - [makeCallByPhoneNumber] Release all calls, calls.length : ", calls.length);
    // Release all calls
    calls.forEach((c) => {
    }, 15000);
    // */


    Best Regards,
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  • Alfredo ORTEGA-J


    I was trying to call directly to the phone number with "makeCallByPhoneNumber" method, but I have the same problem.

    This is the log when I call "makeCallByPhoneNumber" method:

    2019-7-2 10:15:10 AM [1562055310084] - info: ChatBot - HTTP - (post) url { calleeExtNumber: '2151',
    calleeIntNumber: '',
    calleeShortNumber: '',
    calleePbxId: '',
    calleeDisplayName: '2151' }
    2019-7-2 10:15:10 AM [1562055310305] - info: ChatBot - HTTP - (post) HTTP statusCode 200
    2019-7-2 10:15:10 AM [1562055310306] - info: ChatBot - REST/TEL - (makeCall) successfull
    2019-7-2 10:15:10 AM [1562055310307] - info: ChatBot - REST/TEL - (makeCall) REST conversation created { callId: '35873#1631' }

    And this is the log that I received in rainbow_oncallupdated event:

    "key": 1,
    "value": "dialing"
    "id": "35873",
    "conversationId": null,
    "connectionId": "35873#1631",
    "type": {
    "key": 2,
    "value": "Phone"
    "isVm": false,
    "contact": {
    "id": "",
    "_displayName": "2151",
    "name": {
    "value": "2151"
    "displayNameMD5": "350db081a661525235354dd3e19b8c05",
    "companyName": "",
    "loginEmail": "noEmail",
    "nickName": "",
    "title": "",
    "jobTitle": "",
    "country": "",
    "timezone": "Europe/Paris",
    "organisationId": "",
    "siteId": "",
    "companyId": "",
    "jid_im": "",
    "jid": "",
    "jid_tel": "",
    "jidtel": "",
    "avatar": {
    "src": "/resources/skins/rainbow/images/conversations/unknownContact.png"
    "lastAvatarUpdateDate": null,
    "lastUpdateDate": "Z",
    "adminType": "undefined",
    "roles": [
    "phoneNumbers": [],
    "phonePro": "",
    "phoneProCan": "2151",
    "phonePbx": "",
    "phoneInternalNumber": "",
    "pbxId": "",
    "mobilePro": "",
    "mobileProCan": "",
    "phonePerso": "",
    "phonePersoCan": "",
    "mobilePerso": "",
    "mobilePersoCan": "",
    "voicemailNumber": "",
    "emails": [],
    "emailPro": "",
    "emailPerso": "",
    "lastName": "2151",
    "firstName": "",
    "isTerminated": false,
    "language": "en",
    "presence": "",
    "status": "",
    "resources": "",
    "nameUpdatePrio": 0,
    "initials": "?",
    "nickname": "",
    "roster": false,
    "initialized": false,
    "guestMode": false,
    "openInviteId": null,
    "userInfo1": null,
    "userInfo2": null,
    "_id": "2151",
    "temp": true
    "remoteMedia": 0,
    "localMedia": 0,
    "isEscalated": false,
    "startDate": "2019-07-02T08:15:10.308Z",
    "isInitiator": false,
    "participants": null,
    "isRemoteVideoMuted": false,
    "isConference": false,
    "avatars": [
    "currentCalled": {
    "contactPhoneNumber": "",
    "contact": null,
    "participantsPhoneNumbers": [],
    "participants": []
    "Status": {},
    "Type": {},
    "Media": {}

    I think that the problem may be that the "currentCalled" property is empty.

    "currentCalled": {
    "contactPhoneNumber": "",
    "contact": null,
    "participantsPhoneNumbers": [],
    "participants": []

    Best regards.


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