Company users
I'm developing a NodeJs App integrated with Rainbow and i have a few questions.
Are there any way to get all users of my company?
I have 3 users to test in my company but when i call the method contacts.getAll() only takes the admin (me).
Do I need to set my users as contacts to take their information?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Pedro,
Currently there is no API on Node avaialble to retrieve as admin their company users, but you can work around using directly the REST API ( ) using the save token generated by the NodeJS SDK after connection.
i added the admin::getAllUsers method in version 1.59.0 :
* @public
* @method getAllUsers
* @instance
* @description
* Get all users for a given admin
* @memberof Admin
* @async
* @param {string} format Allows to retrieve more or less user details in response.
* small: id, loginEmail, firstName, lastName, displayName, companyId, companyName, isTerminated
* medium: id, loginEmail, firstName, lastName, displayName, jid_im, jid_tel, companyId, companyName, lastUpdateDate, lastAvatarUpdateDate, isTerminated, guestMode
* full: all user fields
* @param {number} offset Allow to specify the position of first user to retrieve (first user if not specified). Warning: if offset > total, no results are returned.
* @param {number} limit Allow to specify the number of users to retrieve (default=100).
* @param {string} sortField Sort user list based on the given field (default="loginEmail").
* @return {Promise<Object, ErrorManager>}But you still have the presence only for contacts in your roster.
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