
No audio between two rainbow users



3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Claire DECHRISTE


    Network requirements are specified here: 

    Does the firewall have an outbound rule for UDP traffic on port 3478?

    Also make sure that there there is no firewall or application layer gateway changing the content of SIP SDP between the PBX and webRTC gateway.

    If it still does not work, the best would be to open a ticket on Rainbow support team. If needed I can help to create it. We would need client logs, webRTC logs and network catpures done on PBX and webRTC gateway.

    Best regards,
    Claire Dechristé

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  • Mauricio CASTELLANOS

    I have the same issue, have you resolve it?

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  • Bala Chandra sekhar

    The issue is not yet resolved.

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