
Schedule Bubble's Audio/Video Conferences



2 comentários

  • Comentário oficial
    Quentin Grabenstaetter


    When I look at the existing demands, I find Rodolphe's post: "Invite People into a Bubble by Email with a Direct Link". You had the same idea! Let's merge these suggestions to get more comments and more votes.

    Feel free to complete Rodolphe's post to add your use cases!

    In addition, good news! Improvements are expected for this feature. I will update Rodolphe's post when I have more details... 😉

    Ações de comentário Permalink
  • Quentin Grabenstaetter

    Hello Matteo,

    I would like to rephrase your post to use the official names of Rainbow features:

    • Conference bridge are named "Meeting" in Rainbow
    • Bubble call are named "Audio/Video Conference in Rainbow

    I hope that this vocabulary will help other users to identify themselves to your request! 😊

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